Lectures, Lab & Seminars
Lecure slides will be updated as the course progresses:
Lecure slides will be updated as the course progresses:
About AI in general:
The course features both regular lectures and lab sessions. For each of the considered topics, a lab session will be scheduled after the lectures, so as to provide a chance to learn the software systems related to the presented topic. The techniques discussed in this course represent the state of the art of scientific research in Artificial Intelligence: for each of the consdidered topic, the students will be referred to survey paper that provide a good overview of state of the art research.
Slides for the seminar will be downloadable from the dedicate page on the course web site.
Lecure slides will be published as the course progresses:
About AI in general:
The course features both regular lectures and lab sessions. For each of the considered topics, a lab session will be scheduled after the lectures, so as to provide a chance to learn the software systems related to the presented topic. The techniques discussed in this course represent the state of the art of scientific research in Artificial Intelligence: for each of the consdidered topic, the students will be referred to survey paper that provide a good overview of state of the art research.
This web site is dedicated to the Intelligent Systems M course. The web site aims at providing the students with access to information related to the goals, contents, texts and assessment criteria of the course.
Course schedule: see the information system of the School of Engineering.
Google Faculty Research Award
Principal investigators: Michela Milano, Michele Lombardi
ATTENZIONE: questi temi provengono dal vecchio corso di Applicazioni di Intelligenza Artificiale e differiscono dalle prove d'esame correnti principalmente per l'esercizio di Programmazione a Vincoli (vedi esempi a seguire).