Program and Evaluation Process


The course features both regular lectures and lab sessions. For each of the considered topics, a lab session will be scheduled after the lectures, so as to provide a chance to learn the software systems related to the presented topic. The techniques discussed in this course represent the state of the art of scientific research in Artificial Intelligence: for each of the consdidered topic, the students will be referred to survey paper that provide a good overview of state of the art research.

Program and Evaluation Process


The course features both regular lectures and lab sessions. For each of the considered topics, a lab session will be scheduled after the lectures, so as to provide a chance to learn the software systems related to the presented topic. The techniques discussed in this course represent the state of the art of scientific research in Artificial Intelligence: for each of the consdidered topic, the students will be referred to survey paper that provide a good overview of state of the art research.

Temi d'esame

Temi d'esame del vecchio corso di Applicazioni di Intelligenza Artificiale 

ATTENZIONE: questi temi provengono dal vecchio corso di Applicazioni di Intelligenza Artificiale e differiscono dalle prove d'esame correnti principalmente per l'esercizio di Programmazione a Vincoli (vedi esempi a seguire).