Intelligent Systems
This web site is dedicated to the Intelligent Systems M course. The web site aims at providing the students with access to information related to the goals, contents, texts and assessment criteria of the course.
Course schedule: see the information system of the School of Engineering.
Course professor:
Prof. ssa Michela Milano, Tel. 051 20 93790, michela <dot> milano <at> unibo <dot> it
Office hourse: Thursday from 10 to 12 (ex-CSITE building, above lecture room 8.1)
Teaching Assistant:
Dott. Michele Lombardi, Tel. 051 20 93270, michele <dot> lombardi2 <at> unibo <dot> it
Office hours: Tuesday from 10 to 12, on appointment to be booked by email ("Aule Nuove" building, close to lecture room 5.7)
The course takes advantage of some of the topics previously discussed in the Artificial Intelligence course (year 1), such as knowledge representation, logic, informed search strategies, game theory, constraint resolution. The Intelligent System course starts from such bases and aims at presenting the main applications of Artificial Intelligent methods, with practical examples.
The main goals of the course are:
- Apply the techniques learned in the Artificial Intelligent course (year 1) to complex problems
- Investigate complex problems and the main formal and algorithmic tools to address them
- Provide practical examples
- Learn how to peforme a critical readout of a scientific paper concerning the topics of the course
- Provive a practical approach to solve real problems
- Learn how to prepare a presentation, similar to that needed for the Master Thesis
- Give a chanes to the students to attend seminars from researchers actively involved in advanced AI topics
Some interesting links
- ScienzaGiovane
- A tutorial about Planning
- Web site of the Italian Association for AI (Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale -- AI*IA)
- Constraints Programming On-Line
- Try playng 20 questions against an Artificial Neural Network ;-)
- IBM Watson wins again human opponents at "Jeopardy!" [NY Times article] [Video]