Lectures, Lab & Seminars
Slides for the seminar will be downloadable from the dedicate page on the course web site.
Lecure slides will be published as the course progresses:
- Course introduction [pdf]
- Planning [pdf]
- Graph-based planning [pdf]
- Swarm Intelligence [pdf]
- Planning for robots [pdf]
- Machine Learning [pdf]
- Inductive Logic Programming [pdf]
- Bayesian Learning [pdf]
- Neural Networks [pdf]
- Deep Learning [pdf]
- Programmazione a vincoli [pdf], vincoli reificati, ricerca, scheduling
Lab sessions
Slides and data files will be published as the course progresses
- Automated planning
- Multi-agent simulation with NetLogo
- Slides and files [zip]
- Decision Trees
- Neural Networks
- Selected Topics in Deep Learning (Marco Lippi) [pdf]