Download and Install

Please find at the bottom of this page the sources (and executables, it's Prolog!) of the Synthetic Log Generator.


The prototype is built upon the SCIFF Proof Procedure, which in turn is a prolog-based program. Due to the use of some specific Prolog libraries, not all the Prolog interpreters/compilers are suitable for executing the SCIFF. The current prototype has been developed and tested using SWI-Prolog 7.2.3. More recent versions (should) work fine as well.

  1. Download the lates SWI_Prolog interpreter suitable for your platform from the SWI-Prolog website.
  2. Install the SWI-Prolog interpreter following the instrcutions provided with the interpreter.

If everything goes fine, you should be able to open a SWI-Prolog interpreter and to pose few simple queries. For example, typing "pwd." at the SWI console (without quotation marks), should print out the current working directory.

  1. Download the LogGen zip file that you can find at the bottom of this page. You will find different versions, each one named with a timestamp, and the first one with the label "LATEST": usually this is the most stable and reliable version.
  2. Expand the zip content on to a writable directory in your file system. Please take care that the folder LogGen is writable: in order to work, our prototype needs to write on the disk some temp files, hence wrting rights are mandatory.
  3. Double-click on the file "": if you installed SWI-pl correctly, the double click action will invoke the SWI-pl interpreter, and the file will be automatically loaded/consulted.
  4. If no error messages appear, you are ready to experiment with our prototype.