e-POLICY Project

The web page of the e-POLICY project will be available soon at www.epolicy-project.eu.

Here are some preliminary info


e-POLICY: Engineering the POlicy making LIfe CYcle 

Project start date: October 2011

Project Coordinator: Prof. Michela Milano - DEIS - ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna

Contact: michela.milano@unibo.it

Project short description

The e-POLICY project aims to equip policy makers with integrated models, optimization, visualization, simulation and opinion mining techniques that improve the outcomes of complex global decision making.The main goals of the project are


  • To support policy makers in their decision process across a multi-disciplinary effort aimed at the engineering of a policy making life-cycle that integrates, in a unique way, global and individual perspectives on the decision process.  

•  To evaluate the economic, societal and environmental impacts during policy making (at both the global and individual levels).


•  To derive social impacts through opinion mining on e-participation data  


•  To aid the policy maker, citizens and stakeholders with visualization tools