Constraints Journal Editor

Prof. Michela Milano is the current editor in chief of Constraints.

            [Constraint Journal Cover]

The Constraints international journal provides a common forum for the many disciplines interested in Constraint Programming and constraint satisfaction and optimization, and the many application domains in which constraint technology is employed. It covers all aspects of computing with constraints: theory and practice, algorithms and systems, reasoning and programming, logics and languages.

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Latest news

The report on the activities carried out by the Editor in Chief in the year 2015 and a summary of the current journal status are available here.

Journal Report 2015.


The main news of the Constraints Journal are the following:

  • Fast track for best CP and CPAIOR conference papers: a small number of selected papers submitted at CP and CPAIOR, the main conference in constraint programming, will be directly published directly on the Constraints Journal and published on line before the conference date.
  • A yearly Review of Thesis works in the area of Constraints managed by Guido Tack and Chris Mears. Specific call soon !!
  • A new Media Editor, Pierre Schaus, who will manage the twitter account and post news on published papers and other important information.
  • Monthly report for all coordinating editors to keep them posted on the state of papers they are managing.

 Comments, suggestions and inquires can be sent to the Editor in Chief.

Publishing Papers

Papers are published by Springer.

Potential authors interested in submitting a paper to Constraints may wish to consult the Springer web site for:

Constraints is abstracted/indexed by the Science Citation Index, Mathematical Reviews, ComputMath Citation Index, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP and many other citation and indexing services.