*** DALT SCHOOL 2011 ***
Bertinoro, Italy, April 10-15, 2011
co-located with ISCL 2011
DALT is a well-established forum for researchers interested in sharing their experiences in combining declarative and formal approaches with engineering and technology aspects of agents and multiagent systems. Building complex agent systems calls for models and technologies that ensure predictability, allow for the verification of properties, and guarantee flexibility. Developing technologies that can satisfy these requirements still poses an important and difficult challenge. Here, declarative approaches have the potential of offering solutions satisfying the needs for both specifying and developing multiagent systems. Moreover, they are gaining more and more attention in important application areas such as the semantic web, service-oriented computing, security, and electronic contracting. For instance, some convergence points between the areas of formal methods for dealing with web services and formal methods for agents are emerging and gaining more and more attention.
The DALT School builds on the success of 8 editions of the international AAMAS workshop series. Past editions of the DALT workshop series were held in Toronto, Budapest, Estoril, Honolulu, Hakodate, Utrecht, New York, and Melbourne. The DALT School aims at giving a comprehensive introduction to this exciting research domain and disseminate the results of research achieved in this 8-year-long activity with a perspective on the future.
- Agent Reasoning: Knowledge, Plans and Flexible Control Cycles, by Francesca Toni.
Francesca is Reader in Computational Logic in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London and Leader of the Computational Logic and Argumentation research group. She has been Principal Investigator of several EU-funded projects in the areas of logic-based agents and argumentation. She is one of the main researchers who developed the KGP model of agency.
- Agent Reasoning: Goals and Preferences, by Birna van Riemsdijk.
Birna is Assistant Professor at TU Delft, where she develops techniques for engineering intelligent software systems that can support humans in performing complex tasks. Her research focusses on the use and development of declarative agent programming languages. She is one of the developers of the GOAL language and a member of the DALT steering committee.
- Agent Interaction: Languages, Dialogues and Protocols, by Peter McBurney.
Peter is Professor of Computer Science and Head of the ART group at the University of Liverpool. He has been leading EU-funded research initiatives and managed many research grants for agent-related research wordwide and acted as a management consultant for leading IT and Telecommunications companies. His research focusses on semantics and pragmatics of agent communication and on multi-agent models of economic markets and marketing.
- Organisation, Coordination and Norms for Multi-Agent Systems, by Wamberto Vasconcelos.
Wamberto is a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, where he works on intelligent software agents and on knowledge technologies. He has been involved in several international research projects on information technologies and service sciences. He is a member of the steering committee of the Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms workshop series (COIN) and an organizer of the DALT workshop in 2010 and 2011.
- Agent and Multi-Agent Software Engineering: Modelling, Programming, and Verification, by Rafael Bordini.
Rafael is Associate Professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. He is one of the main developers of the Jason agent programming language and framework and author of several books on agent programming. His research interests cover various aspects of software engineering for autonomous systems, including programming, modelling, verification, testing, debugging and application deployment.
The School targets graduate students as well as other interested researchers, both from university, government and industry. It will allow graduate students to get a thorough overview of cutting-edge research and technologies, obtain feedback from leading scientists, and to participate in valuable discussions that will likely contribute in shaping and focussing their research interests.
The school aims to be truly international with a strong participation from regions all around the world. This will help students make connections with international participants and set the base for potentially long-term cooperations.
The school will include sessions dedicated to PhD students, mentoring activities, focussed discussions and guided brainstorming.
To ensure an effective organization of the event, it will be very useful for the organizers to have a good estimation of attendance well in advance. For this purpose, you are encourage to manifest your intention to participate as early as possible, by sending an email to dalt.school.2011@gmail.com.
Manifestations do not represent a commitment to participate, but all manifestations received by the end of November 2011 will be rewarded with a discount on the early registration fee. More information on the DALT School Web site.
Thanks to sponsor support, the DALT School 2011 will help participation of students at all levels. Please consult the School Web site to know how to apply.
Send your inquires to dalt.school.2011@gmail.com. We will answer in 2 working days.